
Tomiki Ikeda

Professor, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University

[Research Interests]
Polymer Chemistry, Photochemistry, Material Chemistry

[Education and Career Accomplishments]
Tomiki Ikeda received his BSc (1973), MSc (1975) and PhD (1978) in Polymer Chemistry from Kyoto University, where he studied photoresponsive behavior of polymers under the supervision of Professors Seizo Okamura and Hitoshi Yamaoka. He then pursued postdoctoral research in biologically active polymers, especially polymeric disinfectants, with Professors C. H. Bamford and A. Ledwith at the University of Liverpool, UK, in the joint research scheme with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), enjoying an English-style life for 3 years. He joined Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1981 working in the field of polymer chemistry, photochemistry and materials chemistry. In 1994, he was promoted to full professor of polymer chemistry, and in 2009 he was appointed Director of the Chemical Resources Laboratory. He joined Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University in 2011.

Prof. Tomiki Ikeda

[Research Topics]
1. Light energy conversion materials based on precise control of molecular orientation
2. Photomobile polymer materials based on crosslinked photochromic liquid-crystalline polymers
3. 2D and 3D optical image storage using photochromic liquid-crystalline polymers
4. Liquid-crystalline photonics materials
5. Organic light-emitting materials
6. Polymerization behavior in oriented fields


The 54th Ichimura Prize in Science for Distinguished Achievement


The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology; Awards for Science and Technology in Research Category


Honorary Member of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (JLCS)


Fellow of Chemical Society of Japan (FCSJ)


The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Polymer Science and Technology


The Japanese Photochemistry Association Award for Distinguished Contribution to Photochemistry


The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (JLCS) Award for Distinguished Achievement and Contributions


Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK


The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award


The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (JLCS) Best Paper Award


The Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ)


The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (JLCS) Best Paper Award


The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (JLCS) Award for Outstanding Achievement


[Activities in Academic Society]
Vice-President, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society, 2003, 2009, 2010
Vice-President, the Chemical Society of Japan, 2005
Head Vice-President, the Chemical Society of Japan, 2006

[Editorial Positions]
Journal of Materials Chemistry (RSC, UK)
Associate Editor, 2006-2010
Advisory Board Member, 2011-present


Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University
1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3817-1631; Fax: +81-3-3817-1631;
e-mail: tikeda at (convert “at” to “@”)